Philippa Lloyd 


University of Cambridge, St Catharine’s College to study Economics


A Level Economics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Honours Programme with EPQ 

Previous School

St Mary’s Catholic High School 


Women into Leadership, Student Voice, Podcasting, Student Ambassador

Grades achieved

A Level Economics, A*; Further Mathematics, A* and Mathematics, A*

“I chose to study at The Sixth Form because I liked the modern style of the building and I got a good feeling from the place. I am hoping to study Economics at The University of Cambridge so the Cambridge trip we took with the honours programme is one of my fondest memories of my time here at B6. I have really enjoyed studying Further Mathematics, I love how the difficulty has improved my work ethic and commitment. The best bit of advice I would give to Year 11s would be to choose a course that you will like and don't mind spending a lot of time studying.”

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