The Sixth Form Bolton is the only specialist sixth form in the town. Our state-of-the-art town centre campus provides students with the very best facilities to support their chosen programme of study.
The Sixth Form Bolton has a culture of high aspirations and expectations. We are very proud of our students and their exceptional levels of achievement and progression.
We support and guide students to achieve the best qualifications and experiences possible, to ensure that our young people are well prepared to move on to university, apprenticeships or employment. Students benefit from high quality teaching and outstanding student support.
Supportive Inclusive Caring Aspirational
We firmly believe in ‘excellence in everything.’ This means we set very high expectations for ourselves and our learners:
• 100% attendance and punctuality
• A ‘high grade habit’
• Hours owed must be repaid
• Commitment to work hard
• Prepared to learn
• Good manners, politeness and respect
• Participate in the wider Sixth Form experience
• Parental engagement
• Having high aspirations
• Seeking out support in order to achieve academic success
• Employability and life skills well developed
• Development of the wider student character
• Personal development and growth is a key focus
At The Sixth Form, we believe in developing the whole person, not just academic skills. All two-year study programmes also include:
Once students complete their GCSEs, they can choose to continue their education at a Sixth Form College, like The Sixth Form Bolton, an FE college or a school sixth form. It’s important to consider the difference between the three settings before deciding where to study:
Sixth Form Colleges are much smaller in size than FE Colleges, with an average size of 1,700 students
High quality pastoral care
Excellent parental engagement
Sixth Form Colleges are half-way between school and university
They only focus on students aged 16-19 years old
Teachers are specialist A Level and Vocational A Level academic teachers
Sixth Form Colleges are more relaxed than school but still have a structured timetable with a more adult environment
Wide breadth of course choice
Specialist university advice and guidance
Specialist career advice and guidance
Sixth Form Colleges are the highest performing sector of Post 16 education
Greater opportunity to undertake a mixed programme of study (A Levels and BTEC combined)
FE Colleges are very large and are similar to a university campus, with an average size of 3,400 students
They offer a vast array of courses at various levels including adult courses
There will be a wide age range of students on campus
FE Colleges may offer more Vocational Courses such as Construction, Hairdressing and Agriculture
A familiar environment, surrounded by teachers and students you already know
Smaller intake of students, with an average size of 209 students
Smaller choice of courses which may restrict pathways and opportunities
Fewer specialist teachers
The main difference between these courses is that A Levels are assessed mostly through examinations, with coursework modules in some subjects, whilst Vocationits. Deciding whether to study an A Level or a Vocational A Level course can be a difficult decision.
All students follow a two-year full-time study programme, consisting of their chosen course(s), tutorial, skills development, work experience and enrichment.
To maximise options, we offer students the opportunity to mix Vocational A Levels with A Levels to create a broader combination of qualifications, skills and experience. Universities welcome applications from students with both Vocational A Levels and A Level qualifications.
Whichever pathway a student takes, the skills development that we undertake with all of our learners prepares them fully for exams, completion of coursework and becoming an independent learner in preparation for their ‘next steps’, whatever route this may be.
Ultimately, we consider all our students simply as Advanced Level 3 learners. Teaching and learning is the same on both courses, it is the assessment method that differs
Choose 3 (or occasionally 4) A Level subjects
Study a combination of academic subjects where assessment is predominantly by examination
Choose 3 subjects - mix of A Level and Single Vocational Advanced Levels
Creates a broader combination of qualification, skills and assessment
Choose 1 Triple Vocational Advanced Level
Study one career focused qualification where assessment is predominantly coursework
Year Nine
Ensure they choose subjects that support their career aspirations. For some careers, a young person will need to choose the right courses now e.g. Science for Medicine, Dentistry and so on. Be aware, even this early, what the grade and course requirements are for competitive courses at university. For example, to study Nursing a student will need a grade 5 at GCSE in Science and Maths. To be considered for Medicine, a student will need five to seven grade 8/9s at GCSE. Encourage them to choose GCSE options that they enjoy, not what their friends are choosing.
Year Ten
Students have made their option choices so their focus should be on acquiring and practising the skills they need to pass their GCSE courses: varied and practical revision techniques, tackling past paper questions on their own and studying with a partner to stretch and challenge themselves. Depending on their chosen career path, they should be undertaking work experience or voluntary work. This is a must for Teaching, Social Work, Medicine and Medical related disciplines such as Optometry. Encourage them to research potential Sixth Forms carefully and review the types of course on offer and their preferred learning styles. Do not choose exam-based subjects for Advanced Level study if your child struggles with examinations. Look at programmes that are mainly assessed through coursework or practical activities. Your child is likely to be more successful in this pathway, which will lead to progression to good universities, higher level apprenticeships or employment. A further consideration might be travel time when considering which Sixth Form to attend. Additionally, review which wider opportunities for enrichment, work experience and the development of personal skills are available.
Year Eleven
Anxiety may well be something to be anticipated in the final year. Encourage your son/daughter not to worry if they make mistakes: they learn from them. Mastery of a subject does not simply happen, they need to keep working at it. When they say they ‘can’t do something’ tell them they ‘can’t yet’! With some effort and practice, it will improve. Encourage them to talk to their teachers and seek support and reassurance. Help them to reflect on their course choices for Post 16 to ensure they have clear reasons for the choices they are making. Make sure they have opted for the right kind of course or subjects. Have they chosen subjects because of peer pressure or parent pressure? If you are unsure, talk to The Sixth Form Bolton. We are happy to help students make the right choice. Encourage them all the time and listen when they are worried
Myth: You have to do A Levels if you want to go to university.
Fact: You can progress to university whether you study Vocational courses or A Levels. The Triple Vocational A Level (Level 3 National Extended Diploma), is completed over two years at the Sixth Form and carries UCAS points just like A Levels. Depending on the subject you want to study, a BTEC may be preferred to A Levels as it shows that you can intensively study one subject over a period of time and that you are passionate about and interested in that subject. *
Myth: A BTEC is the easy option. A Levels show you are much more clever than if you are just doing a BTEC.
Fact: The concept of BTECs as an ‘easy option’ is based on the fact that they have more coursework and fewer exams than A Levels. In reality the level and content is just as difficult. Vocational courses all require students to sit some examinations and controlled assessments as well as completing coursework.
Myth: You should always choose A Levels over a BTEC if you have the choice.
Fact: A Levels are often academic subjects such as History or English, whereas BTECs are often more career-related courses, like Public Services, Business or ICT. So, choosing whether to take A Levels or a BTEC depends a lot on what the student wants to pursue after Sixth Form. A BTEC course is much more practical, with a more hands-on approach to learning. It should involve plenty of work experience and practical opportunities as part of the course, giving students direct experience of the industry they want to work in.
*There are a small minority of degree courses such as Medicine or Veterinary Science that don’t accept BTECs. It is advised to research university entry requirements if there are courses that your young person is particularly interested in progressing onto
One of our main priorities at The Sixth Form is the welfare of our students. As part of this we work to enable our students to overcome any financial barriers to education in pursuit of their learning. We run a very successful Bursary and Travel scheme that helps financially support a large proportion of our students every year.
The Parent Portal is available through the website and in addition to the information on attendance and progress, provides regular news updates and reviews for the year. A Parents’ Welcome Evening takes place in September where help is provided to register and log on to the Parent Portal.
On the Parent Portal you can:
Check if your son/daughter is attending lessons
Access online trackers that show grades achieved for all subject areas
Get priority access to Parents' Evening appointments
Report an absence
Update any medical conditions that The Sixth Form needs to be aware of
Check the progress of your son/daughter
See your son/daughter’s timetable including their exam timetable
Track any payments made to your son/daughter including Bursary/Travel Payments or payments received by The Sixth Form Bolton
Update your contact phone numbers
Access electronic copies of the Parent and Student handbook
Access important exam information
View subject specific homework for certain subjects
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