Don’t worry! They should bring their results along to their enrolment interview and we will endeavour to find them an appropriate alternative course. Careers advice and guidance will be available throughout enrolment.
Inform the Admissions Team ( as soon as possible that you are away during enrolment and confirm the holiday dates
Liaise with school to have GCSE results emailed on results day
Attend the re-arranged enrolment interview with copies of the GCSE results
Please note, places will not be reserved for applicants who chose to be on holiday during main enrolment
We will discuss other course options at enrolment and careers staff will be available then to help.
GM resident students aged 16-18 could be eligible for free travel using GM Our Pass. However, if your young person uses other types of public transport to normally attend The Sixth Form or live outside of Greater Manchester, funds may be available to assist with travel costs. Please enquire at Student Information for more details on 01204 846 215.
The Sixth Form has a wide range of enrichment opportunities available. Visit our enrichment page for more information.
The Sixth Form receives bursary funding to assist students with financial needs. Visit our financial support page for more information.
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