Sixth Form Bolton Student Delighted to Receive Oxford University Offer

Inioluwa Eniola

Second-year students at The Sixth Form Bolton have been delighted to begin hearing back from their university applications recently with a number of students receiving offers from highly prestigious universities.

Inioluwa Eniola, a former Sharples School student,  who studies A Level Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics alongside the Extended Project Qualification at The Sixth Form, has secured an offer from Mansfield College at Oxford University to study Mechanical Engineering.

Inioluwa said:

I’m really happy to have received my offer from Oxford! I went to the UNIQ summer residential there and knew that it was somewhere I’d love to study. I’m attracted to the quality of education offered and the prestige of the university. I am also really interested in opportunities available to spend time in industry. I was drawn to The Sixth Form because of its reputation for academic excellence and the supportive environment provided by both the teaching and non-teaching staff. I was confident that I would be surrounded by fellow students who would challenge me intellectually and help me grow both academically and personally. I’ve had lots of support with my application from the staff at The Sixth Form. Mr Heslop, my maths teacher has been really encouraging along with the rest of the maths department and my Progress Coach, Mr Dawson.

Alongside his A Levels, Inioluwa completed the Extended Project Qualification in which students undertake independent academic research on a topic of their choosing; usually relating to their career aspirations and topics of academic curiosity. It’s valued by higher education institutions as it demonstrates a dedication to independent learning and often supports the students’ university applications. This doesn’t have to be related to their A Level subjects and Inioluwa achieved an A* in his which explored the science behind sleep.

The staff at The Sixth Form are all thrilled for Inioluwa with Mark Goodwin, Assistant Principal - Student Experience saying:

The College is proud to have supported Inioluwa in gaining the opportunity to study Mechanical Engineering at Mansfield College, Oxford. Inioluwa has proved an outstanding student with exceptional academic ability. The academic ability Inioluwa has displayed is only half the story, as he has impressed all who have worked with him due to his amiable personality plus genuine modesty. We believe this is just the start of an exceptional journey for Inioluwa who deserves every success in the future. 

 We wish Inioluwa the best of luck in his A Levels and look forward to sharing other students’ successes as they receive their university offers.

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