Stuart Merrills, Principal of The Sixth Form Bolton; Jen Whyatt, Director of Education; Curtis Scott, Teacher of Sport; Sandra McManus, Deputy Principal; Marie Hamilton, Strategic Lead for GMCA and Clare Riley, Education Skills Head for Microsoft in the UK
It was with genuine excitement that The Sixth Form Bolton signed a Shared Goals Agreement with Microsoft on Monday 31 October. This is the only such partnership that Microsoft have with a sixth form college. They regularly partner with universities but were keen to work alongside The Sixth Form because we share many of the same beliefs.
Microsoft recognise that as a sixth form we see a genuine need to upskills our learners in order so they can enter a digital workplace with well-honed skills. They were delighted that we, like them, value the opportunity to support our learners on their individual digital journeys. All of our learners are currently undertaking Microsoft learning through their ‘Learn’ platform.
As the term progresses, our partnership plans will develop, giving more learners access to a top tech company. On the day we signed the agreement, our visitors had the opportunity to speak to learners in our Professional Growth Suite, some of whom were not shy in asking excellent questions to our guests.
Our plans are not just learner focussed; we will also be supporting our staff on their digital journeys. We want to reap the progress made to date using technology and digital skills to support teaching and learning with and beyond our classroom.
Sandra McManus, Deputy Principal at The Sixth Form Bolton commented:
“I suppose our back story is that as a sixth form we are committed to developing the digital and technological skills of our learners in order that their transition in Higher education and Employment is a smooth one and one where they hold some advantage because of their digital skills. As a college we have been working hard with staff to lead in our classrooms utilising digital learning alongside more traditional methods. We are fully committed to upskilling our staff and providing professional development for our learners. We have been working with Microsoft as part of our wider digital journey and have now formalised our partnership with Microsoft via the signing of a shared goals agreement. We feel honoured to work alongside an International, national and regional company.”
We will keep you informed of the work we are doing as the year progresses.
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