Student, Nasra Farah; Professional Mentor, Joe Allman and student, Alexandria Stones
The Sixth Form Bolton Law Society are preparing to compete against a number of local colleges and schools in the Manchester Regional Heat of the Bar National Mock Trial competition. This prestigious competition will be held on Saturday 4th February at Manchester Metropolitan University.
The competition sees students take on the roles of barristers, witnesses, ushers and jurors as they present and argue two cases in front of real Crown Court judges. The competing Sixth Form team is made up of students who are studying Law and Drama, as well as an Art student posing as a court artist.
The students are being mentored by Barrister Joe Allman, a Category 4 prosecutor and a member of the CPS Serious Crime Group. Joe recently returned from serving on behalf of HM Government as the Crown Prosecution Service’s Criminal Justice Advisor to the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Liaison Prosecutor in the United Arab Emirates. He has also worked with senior prosecutors and British missions in a number of other Middle-Eastern countries. Joe is experienced in dealing with the most complex and sensitive aspects of cases with an international dimension, particularly terrorism, serious organised crime, and cases involving crossborder illicit finance, and has a thorough knowledge of international human rights law.
The Sixth Form was delighted to welcome Joe last Thursday to observe the students perform the trials they are preparing and gave invaluable feedback. Students prepared opening and closing statements for the prosecution and defence on two cases, as well as questions for the numerous witnesses.
Barrister Joe Allman said:
“I was impressed by the students’ preparation, confidence and skill. They are clearly a very talented group of young people. They are a credit to themselves and to those who have evidently worked very hard to get them to this point”.
Alexandria Stones, a former Bedford High School pupil studying A Level Law, Politics and English Literature said:
“I think law society is more beneficial than people think, it allows you to get experience and a perspective on a career in law, it’s thrilling and an unbelievable opportunity’”.
The Bar Mock Trial is a fantastic competition that helps students develop skills of public speaking, team-working, under pressure performance and thinking on their feet. The very best of luck to all the students representing B6 in February.
At B6, we offer Law as an A Level and an Applied Vocational Level Three qualification. Find out about these courses here.
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