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Course overview

This course will introduce you to a wide range of interesting and enriching topic areas relevant to early years practice, from the practical skills needed for looking after children to psychological theory of development. You will gain an understanding of the development of children and how this influences their progress as they grow.

Entry requirements

Students studying three A Levels will be expected to have a minimum of two GCSEs at grade 6 and three GCSEs at grade 5/4, including English Language and Mathematics at grade 5/4 or above. Or eight GCSEs at a minimum of grade 5. This course may be taken alongside A Level courses and may be more suited to learners with a strong profile of prior attainment in vocational studies. The course requires a high level of motivation and professionalism due to the amount of time spent in childcare settings.

Topics you will study

Topics you will study include:

Unit 1 – Child Development  
The principles of growth and development and how they are applied from birth up to seven years 11 months
Physical development from birth up to seven years 11 months 
Cognition, language and communication development
Theories of social and emotional development

Unit 2 – Supporting Literacy and Numeracy 
Stages of speech, communication and language development and its link to overall domains of development
Supporting children’s literacy and numeracy skills through speech, communication and language development
Approaches to the varied needs of individual children 

Key features

You will gain skills in supporting the development of children through the use of activities and observation. You will also gain an insight in how to promote children’s language and communication through play and learning activities.

In class you will be carrying out practical demonstrations and practical exercises to prepare you for your work placements with a range of age groups and settings. 

Work placement will support your coursework and by the end of your second year you will have achieved a minimum of 50 hours in a range of child care settings.


Assessment will be carried out through: 


Unit 1 – Child Development
Unit 2 – Supporting Literacy and Numeracy

Internally set coursework

Assessed observations in work placement

Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel

Enrichment and Work Experience

Work placement will support your coursework and by the end of the second year you will have achieved a minimum of 50 hours in a variety of settings such as nurseries and schools.

As part of enrichment, you will have the opportunity to undertake a first aid qualification and gain experience in a forest school environment. We will visit a range of universities and have guest speakers that work in the child care sector.

Why choose B6?

Our Children’s Play, Learning and Development teachers have a vast amount of work experience with children in a range of settings and countries.

This experience is used to enhance your learning environment and give you greater knowledge about the everyday work carried out in a child care setting. You are taught by subject experts and examiners and receive extensive support to reach your full potential.

Future career opportunities

This is a respected route for those who wish to move into employment such as primary teaching, play therapy, nursery nursing, youth work and community liaison within the sector or progress to higher education.

Additional information

Essential additional costs for the course: 

DBS approx. £58. 
Forest School visit approx. £30. 
First Aid Certificate approx. £30. 
Uniform for work placement will cost between £8 to £40 (approx.) 

Nusayba Hussain

Nusayba Hussain

A Level English Literature, Psychology and Single Vocational A Level Children's Play, Learning & Development

Previous school:
Smithills School

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