At The Sixth Form Bolton we are committed to sustainable actions. Sustainability encourages us to protect natural resources, reduce waste, and create systems that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially fair.
In simple terms, sustainability is about making choices that are good for the planet, people, and the economy, both now and in the future. For us, sustainability is also about empowering young people to develop an appreciation of the environment and its relationship to their worlds.
Our Sustainability Working Group is currently working with the whole college community to evaluate and reduce our environmental impact. The College aims to align with the ‘emerging College’ strategy to meet the DfE targets for the end of 2025.
Our sustainable actions so far to reduce our carbon footprint:
Installation of LED lighting throughout the building, reducing energy usage by 57%
New roof insulation which exceeds thermal targets
Introduced recycling into areas of the College
Installed more efficient ventilations systems
Old computers/laptops are traded in for carbon credits
Extend the lifespan of equipment beyond the normal 3/5 year expected lifecycle
‘Switch off’ campaign to reduce energy
Reduced postage costs
Reusable water bottles and water fountains are used
Future commitments include:
Appointing a Sustainability Lead to develop and steer the College sustainability strategy
Delivering Carbon Literacy training to staff and students to sustain the changes in our behaviours
Signing up to the Race to Zero campaign, committing to net zero by 2040
Installation of solar panels onto the College roof
Expanding recycling to all areas of the College – classrooms, staffrooms etc
Reducing our carbon emissions by replacing the gas boilers for greener alternatives
Purchasing energy from renewable sources
Reducing printing throughout the whole college
Working with our catering team to ensure more sustainable and plant-based products
The Sixth Form Bolton is developing a Sustainability Strategy that will meet the needs of the College and the wider community. This will be published in due course.
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